Relax. This isn’t just another spoof. I ain’t no wimp! I’m no dork or nerd or some kind of dumb ‘Emo’ either. There IS another side to these stories, you know! I mean, did you ever think guys like me have a different story to tell? Time for a MAJOR reality check! I get things
Read article[Exclusive Teen Series Promo] ‘I Haven’t Started Either’- Confessions of A High School Bully
“I LOVE it. It’s Hilarious!” “Really? So you think teens will be excited to read it, too?” “Ummm no?” “What? Why?” “Coz teens don’t read, mom.” “You’re a teenager and you read everything I write” “That’s coz you made me!” Well, you must’ve encountered the species somewhere for sure. A teenager at home? A
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