Between cries for attention, or pleas for assistance with schoolwork, how can mothers navigate their way through the spiritually enlightening month of Ramadan with their well-being in tact, and still effectively manage the needs of their children? Whilst being a mother is a rewarding experience at the best of times, for many of us it
Read article8 Ways to Raise Happy and Innovative Children
I am concerned that in the age of eHow, wiki, evidence-based, best practice and performance management, some readers may interpret this article as a blueprint to raise productive children. It is not. Children are dynamic and unique individuals. As such this article is about me sharing my experience. Although I cherish my children’s academic achievements
Read articleRaising Productive and Confident Muslim Kids (Part 2)
In part 1 of the series, I discussed the goals of motherhood and how we can raise our children to be great, Productive Muslims in sha Allah. Here are more tips I’d like to share. 6. Make chores fun! We know as Muslims that cleanliness is half of our faith. If being clean is a large part of
Read articleRaising Productive and Confident Muslim Kids (Part 1)
Our children are an amanah (trust) on to us from Allah: it’s our duty to nurture, educate and protect them as they grow into productive adults. Moms, it’s very important to take some time out to ponder and reflect on the part you are playing or have played in your children’s journey of life. Do your children
Read article5 Tips to Spending Productive Time with Your Kids
Spending productive time with our children is essential to raising them up properly. It is related that the Prophet said: “All of you are shepherds, and each one is responsible for his flock. A leader is a shepherd and he is responsible for those in his care. A man is a shepherd over his family, and he
Read articleCan Parents Influence Productivity?
Sitting in my usual comfy chair at home, as I’d done for the past so many years, I opened up the Internet page and the same old heartrending stories kept re-emerging;‘Ongoing protests against the regime ends in violence’, ‘War and natural disasters leaves millions displaced from their homes’, ‘National obesity levels and crime rates highest
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