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The Productive Muslim 2012 survey [1] affirms the well-known fact that parents face an uphill battle in striving to maintain their spiritual, physical and social productivity activities on any given day. When it comes to Ramadan, mothers especially, tend to panic about how they are going to reap the benefits of this blessed month while attending to their myriad regular responsibilities. Therefore we decided to make one of our special resources for moms this Ramadan. Introducing – the Productive Ramadan Worksheet for Busy Moms.
How to use The Busy Mom’s Worksheet ?
We believe that a little extra planning can go a long way towards a leading a fulfilling day insha Allah.
Productive Muslimahs plan their days around their salah and not the other way around. With this worksheet, all you have to do is spend a few minutes every night to think about the next day’s activities and schedule them around salah times.
So the highest priority goes to the prayer and, as you complete each prayer, you’ll know exactly what to do next and how long you have to accomplish it. You don’t have to worry about everything that you need to get done because each to-do has already been scheduled and you can relax knowing that there is a time for it. Just focus on the next task at hand!
At the end of the day, you might want to journal your thoughts about how much you achieved in terms of physical, spiritual and social productivity activities, where you think you could have improved, etc. So we’ve also included a page with this worksheet to do just that! By the end of Ramadan, you’ll be able to see a beautiful self-development journey unfold, insha Allah!
So go ahead and download the Productive Ramadan Worksheet for Busy Moms now and have more fulfilling and productive Ramadan days, insha Allah! And remember to share your comments with us!