“Help one another in acts of piety and righteousness” [5:2].
Be a Local Hero!
His salaam can be heard everywhere he goes; he organises fundraisers and circles in his area, has this art of bringing people together, always seems to have personal attention for you; he is always texting beautiful reminders, and he always smiles…Do you know him?
He’s the local hero and everybody loves him.
An important part of our growth as Muslims lies in contributing to the greater good and being part of something greater than ourselves.
While “making the world a better place” might sound like a tall order, small acts can create happiness in the lives of those around you and make us feel like a community – and that’s no small matter!
Here are ten easy things you can do to spread goodwill in your community, as well as increase your sense of mindfulness about the people around you and your relationship with them:
- Make du’a for those who are not with you: One of the du’as that has been guaranteed a response is the du’a that a Muslim makes for their Muslim brother or sister in their absence. This is because that du’a is a clear sign of love and solidarity, and that we want only good for one another.
- Spread the Salam: The Prophet
said: “I swear by the one in whose hand lies my soul that you will not enter paradise until you believe. And you shall not believe until you love one another. Shall I tell you something, that if you practice it you will love another? Spread the (salam) Islamic greeting amongst yourselves” [Muslim].
- Smile: a sincere smile, that is!
- Compliment someone: Tell someone how much you like the job they’re doing, their company, etc. Be honest and sincere. Let them know that something they’re doing is appreciated.
- Give someone a book you’ve read: Making a gift of something you’ve read and enjoyed is more than just a nice gesture, it’s a way of showing someone that a) you think of them, b) you understand them, and c) you want to share something with them.
- Make something for someone: Cook some food, bake a cake, or make an ornament, and give it to someone. Like giving someone a book, it tells them that you were thinking about them and wanted to do something nice for them. Give for the sake of Allah. Whether they return the favour or not or whether they’re nice to you or not are irrelevant.
- Help someone pay their debts: Debt and poverty are a tremendous burden. If you are able to assist someone in this way you will really ease their suffering, inshaAllah.
- Teach someone: Share your skill or talent with someone by showing them how to do something.
- Let someone shine: Put a spotlight on someone else’s talents by letting them take over a presentation, asking them advice, or otherwise flex their “talent muscles.” Especially if they are junior to you, giving them a chance to strut their stuff shows that you trust them and appreciate them, as well as allowing them to get the attention they deserve.
- Connect like minds: Introduce two friends or colleagues who you feel have something to gain from each other. You’ll be letting them know you value them – and maybe creating a partnership that will make everyone better off.
Imagine for a moment how our communities would be if we all did these things? Allah promises to be our Helper if we help one another. So make dua’ He makes YOU a means to make your local area more productive!