Islamic history is lit up with examples of Muslims who were world class leaders. They sat at the helm of flourishing empires and led on multiple frontiers ranging across medicine, mathematics, natural sciences and legal jurisprudence. In fact many of the inventions, innovations and discoveries that came from the Islamic world constitute much of the
Read articleEgo is the Enemy of Barakah
“You are destined for greatness. Believe in yourself and go for it.” This should be an inspirational and empowering belief. That’s why you’ll see it plastered around the internet as a motivational quote. Go for it. Not only can you do it, but you are meant to do it. At face value, it sounds healthy,
Read articleThe Prophetic Model of Courage & Its Practical Application Today
The courage of our Anbiyah (peace be upon them) was rooted in their Yaqeen (certainty in Allah). This created the highest levels of courage within them because it influenced how they saw themselves, situations and what they believed could be achieved. They knew that along with their efforts, they had the Help of Allah. They knew their vision was limited but with Allah’s support, they could create unimaginable outcomes.
Read articleWhat Is Spiritually Centered Confidence?
What is spiritually centered confidence, and how is it difference from mainstream understanding of confidence
Read articleAre You Good Enough? How Musa (AS) Tackled Self-Doubt
Do you experience self-doubt? Do you feel like an imposter at work? at home? In the big goals that you want to achieve in life? You’re not alone. I used to think confidence was a genetic trait imprinted on those destined to greatness. It was only after studying the lives of the accomplished- like prophets,
Read articleHow Overconfidence Threatens Your Productivity
Take a classroom full of students, for example. Some students are handed gray colored crayons, a couple are handed green ones, but a few are given the brightest crayons in the box. Throughout the years, these students are reminded that the brightness of their crayon defines how important they are. They’re filled with confidence, to
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