The courage of our Anbiyah (peace be upon them) was rooted in their Yaqeen (certainty in Allah). This created the highest levels of courage within them because it influenced how they saw themselves, situations and what they believed could be achieved. They knew that along with their efforts, they had the Help of Allah. They knew their vision was limited but with Allah’s support, they could create unimaginable outcomes.
Read articleWhat Is Spiritually Centered Confidence?
What is spiritually centered confidence, and how is it difference from mainstream understanding of confidence
Read article[Interview] Secrets of a Productive Muslimah: Haleh Banani
At ProductiveMuslim, we believe the ultimate secret to a successful Muslimah is that she strives with sincere intentions and uses all the resources around her to achieve the highest stations in Paradise.
Read article[Doodle of the Month] 10 Actions for Sisters to Boost Self-Confidence
Do you struggle with self-confidence? Find out how to give your confidence a boost with these 10 actions! What tips do you have to share with us about increasing self-confidence? Leave a comment below! This doodle is based on the article 10 Actions for Sisters to Boost Self-Confidence.
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