Enjoy our collection of Productive Muslim’s best 2013 articles — a combination of the most popular articles and favourite editor’s picks! Get a quick digest of our best 2013 articles by clicking the image below to download your FREE copy.
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Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Raheem. Alhamdulillah. Wassalatu wassalam alaa Rasulillah wa ala aalihi wa sahbibi ajma’in.
As we close our books for this operational year and tie up the year-end formalities, I can’t help but take a nostalgic look back over my shoulder to see how far we’ve come and to ponder upon how far we are yet to travel.
Alhamdulillah, June 2013 marked ProductiveMuslim.com’s fifth year in operation. There was hardly a moment to celebrate, though, as we continued to persevere and to step up our game every single day. We thank you, dear reader, for being with us on this beautiful journey.
The time when the rest of the world slows down into the holiday mood is the time when we at Productive Muslim Ltd. work even harder to inspire our brothers and sisters around the world to take advantage of free time, to enhance knowledge of the treasures left to us by the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and to brush away internal weaknesses, so that we are prepared when life calls for everything we’ve got.
The challenges we face in this era are very real, daunting, and seemingly insurmountable. The spiritual weaknesses, the emotional pain, the physical limitations and social intricacies all play a role in weaving a complex web of excuses for languishing in our status quo.
Inspired by the dua of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), “Oh Allah, bless my nation in its early hours,” we believe that Islam holds very practical guidance and the solution to every challenge; for human beings from all walks of life. We are not productive in spite of being Muslim. Rather, we are productive because of it.
The team at Productive Muslim Ltd. are tireless in our efforts to uncover the deepest foundations of a productive lifestyle, determined to research the subject to the fullest possible extent, and to package it to you in digestible, plug-and-play frameworks. We have invested ourselves in the cause – with our time, focus, energy and prayers.
Working for the sake of Allah Subhananu wa Ta’aala’s pleasure, our team of volunteers is ever appreciative of the support, understanding, encouragement, and constructive feedback received from readers, writers, and workshop participants. Jazakum Allahu khairan for caring.
In spite of all your success stories and positive feedback over the last five years, there is still work to be done in inspiring our Ummah to be productive for success in the dunya as well as the akhira.
When will we ever relax? When our right foot enters Jannah, In sha Allah…
Praying for you and humbly requesting your prayers in return,
Fathima Nafla
Chief Editor
Productive Muslim Ltd.
Have sincere intentions & work hard
We hope you enjoy our collection of Productive Muslim’s best 2013 articles — a combination of the most popular articles and favourite editor’s picks! Get a quick digest of our best 2013 articles by clicking the image below to download your FREE copy.