Over these past few days, I have watched quite a few TED talks which feature great personalities and leaders who have dedicated their lives to a cause and achieved their ambition(s). It did not matter if their work was well-known or prominent; their dedication, sincerity, and hard work truly made an impact, even if only to one person’s life.
I want us to take a serious look at our own lives today and ask ourselves what are we doing for our Ummah? How are we helping our Ummah? What will people remember us for? How can we use our time, skills, intelligence, creativity, energy for the sake of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) and serve His people?
I really want each one of you to do something, create something, to help the ummahdevelop and to make your scale of good deeds heavier, insha Allah.
Enough being lazy, lethargic, waiting for things to happen for you, instead get up anddo something! Create websites, create awareness, build products, build programs, plan conferences, plan fundraisers..etc.
We are the best of nations, we are the nation of Muhammad (sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam) – and it is time we rise! But we’ll only rise if each of us gets up and doessomething for the sake of Islam.
Where can you start, you ask?
There are 4 simple steps to help you get started– while these steps are simple, they require reflection and some time to think thoroughly. But once you have clarity, pray istikhara, and go for it!
1. Sit down (maybe on more than one occasion if you need to) and figure out (on paper) what you are passionate about, what you love to do, what you are good at.
2. Draw a connection between what you love to do and how you can use that to benefit the Ummah or humanity in general. Think big! For example: If you have an idea for an initiative for your community, don’t confine it to your neighborhood insted set your vision that every community in your country will replicate your idea, bi’ithnilah! So don’t be afraid to aim high, and take baby steps to reach it.
3. Let others know. Share your idea with a few friends or family members Don’t be disheartened if no one likes your project, if you sincerely believe in it, start anyway, even alone and keep at it, Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) will send the right people to join your cause and help you inshaAllah.
4. Take action! What are you waiting for? Register that domain, call the charity group, send those e-mails, do anything to move you towards getting started, and don’t wait!
Finally, it has been my dua for many years that Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) uses me to serve His deen, sometimes I see the answer of this dua in Him blessing me with ProductiveMuslim.com and I hope that from this website many of you will be inspired to create projects that will truly boost our Ummah’s productivity and each of you willdo something for the Ummah.
Did you start a project for the Ummah? Share it here below.