Working part-time can make you the envy of your friends. You get to work flexible hours and spend more time at home and with your family. You get to do things on a weekday that most could never dream of, right? Wrong! The truth is that working part-time can make you more stressed out and
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When you have your plate full, keeping focused isn’t always easy. And when we can’t give our full attention to a task, we can’t give it our best. This can start a cycle of demotivation and non-productivity, unless we pull in the reins and turn it around. It takes a strong resolve to focus, good
Read articleHow to be a Productive Student Flatmate
When you’re a student, sharing a living space makes sense in terms of sharing the cost of living and domestic responsibilities. However, it also means that you are now co-responsible for running a household, which takes work. You will have to re-adjust your living habits to some extent as you move into a new environment,
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