If you’re like most people, you engage in negative self talk quite a bit. In fact, it happens a whole lot more than you realize. Negative talk puts limitations on your life, it drains your energy and instead of wanting to feel productive, you give up feeling despondent.
One of the greatest secrets to being a productive person is letting go of your negative self-talk and switching to positivity. Behind that door of negativity, there is a brighter, happier, productive life waiting for you.
Where does the negative thinking come from?
First and foremost negative talk comes from shaytaan. He is your enemy, and you may not believe it, but shaytaan makes you procrastinate and detours you from your mission. He stalls you, puts you off from your mission, and makes you find reasons of why you can’t do a certain task and finds every way to sabotage you.
Secondly being in judging mode all the time is where negative talks stem from. We are always judging ourselves, others, those we know personally and those we don’t. We judge everyone from Barack Obama (is he doing a good job?), to a brothers haircut (he thinks he looks cool) and a sisters outfit (she so doesn’t look good). And in turn we continuously judge and criticize ourselves (I’m not good enough, I’ll never succeed, I hate my life). It eventually becomes an unconscious habit we don’t realize we are doing.
Enough is enough
There are wonderful things you want to do with your life, but the negativeness in your mind is deeply rooted in to you and holding you back. The good news is you have the power to switch to a positive mindset! And it is possible and not difficult!
1) Make Dua
Ask Allah to protect you from shaytaan. The Prophet (s.a.w) frequently made the following supplication: “Oh Allah, I seek your protection from, alajz” – which means the inability to do something. And when someone said, “I can’t do that,” The Prophet(s.a.w) would seek protection from such negative speech by adding: “and I seek your protection (Oh Allah) from alkasl”– which is translated as laziness.
2) Have a soft compassionate approach
We need to develop and cultivate a mindset of compassion, which encourages us and motivates us to do more. Have compassion on ourselves instead of continuously criticising and harshly judging ourselves and others. Take note that I am not suggesting a mindset that allows us to be too easy on ourselves and allows us to slack. That is far from my message and that is from shaytaan. I am suggesting a mindset of compassion, where if we fail, we pick ourselves up, and try again. A mindset where we honestly scan our lives, see our faults and make commitments to improve and follow through with improving even when we stumble and make mistakes. A mindset where we talk positively to ourselves and strive to be better. We should never let our negativeness, or anybody else’s negativeness stop our worthy purpose and affect our lives. Having this compassion, and hope, sets the wheels in motion to a productive life.
A small child who becomes frustrated while trying to learn, is encouraged with kind words, encouragement and compassion. Critically judging and picking on the child, would stifle his ability to learn, yet by being compassionate and encouraging, he blossoms and becomes more enthusiastic and productive. This is the type of gentleness and compassion you should exercise on yourself and others.Give yourself the highest praise for the smallest bit of progress you have made.
As you integrate this new habit in your life, you will see amazing changes that happen. The less you judge others, the less you will judge yourself.
You need to stop being negative and fuel your life with a compassionate persistance. You need to give up negative self talk today, right now. Get off that coach, pick yourself up, your life is waiting. Have hope in Allah, have hope in yourself and switch to a positive , proactive mindset. Then Allah will empower you to reach your goals and help you create for yourself a productive dynamic life.
Remember life is a blank canvas, you have the choice to paint it with beautiful, bright colors; or dead, dull colors. Whatever it is my dear brother/sister, you have the choice!
About the Author:
This post was kindly written by Dynamic Muslimah