When it comes to money, its role in our lives often prompts reflection. Money is undeniably necessary for daily functioning, but determining its true significance can be challenging. How do we maintain financial discipline and ensure our economic health?
Balance is crucial in managing finances. It’s important to earn responsibly to provide for oneself and one’s family, while also giving back to the community through charitable acts. Proper money management is essential, yet it’s equally important to avoid becoming overly frugal or materialistic. We should appreciate our financial blessings and use them to benefit others.
Applying our educational and physical capabilities effectively is also a way of showing gratitude for these gifts. Working and earning should align with ethical practices, while still fulfilling our personal and communal responsibilities, such as contributing positively to society.
Having substantial wealth is not inherently negative. However, prioritizing wealth accumulation to the detriment of ethical or personal values is problematic. Life is transient, and wealth cannot be taken beyond it. While striving for financial improvement is acceptable, it should be done with the right intentions, aiming for a balanced life.
In this series, we will explore how to stay ‘financially fit’: maximizing our resources and avoiding poor financial situations. We’ll begin by outlining some principles for maintaining good financial health.
Why is it important to be financially fit?
Having sound finances can really bring peace and calm to us. Now, this doesn’t mean you necessarily need a lot – it just means that having your finances in order, spending within your means and having enough for the essentials can give us peace of mind and tranquillity. It means we are able to focus on other things, without worry or anxiety. It can help one avoid the temptation to acquire money unlawfully, take out a loan, or fall victim to a money-making scam. You may go to website of a company that offers debt consolidation services if you’re struggling with your business debts.
Working, earning, and living according to Islamic principles can also help one sleep better at night, and who doesn’t like to sleep peacefully? In a hadith, it was said of debts,
It was narrated that ‘Aishahsaid: “The Messenger of Allah
often used to seek refuge (with Allah) from debt and sin. It was said to him: ‘O Messenger of Allah! You often seek refuge from debt and sin?’ He said: ‘If a man gets into debt, he speaks and lies, and he makes a promise and breaks it.'” [Sunan An-Nasa’i]
Financial fitness from an Islamic perspective
Here are some ways that the Qur’an and Sunnah teach us about managing our money.
1. Increase barakah in your wealth
We should strive to earn our money through lawful means. This means doing work that is not in conflict with Islamic values and principles and avoiding things that are forbidden; like gambling and interest-bearing investments. It matters not how much money you make, but how you make it. If you are making an honest living, diligently avoiding the haram, doing the work required of you with your best effort, and thankful for everything Allah has blessed you with, in sha’ Allah, He
will increase the barakah in your wealth. This, in turn, will allow you to get more out of the money you have. Ten dollars earned through halal means is worth more than a hundred dollars earned through haram methods.
2. Prevent waste and use your money wisely
It states in the Qur’an:
“…And do not waste, for Allah
does not love the wasteful” [Quran: Chapter 6, Verse 141]
If you are fortunate enough to have plenty of money, food, etc., then it is your duty to use these things wisely and avoid extravagance. This can include not wasting food, not upgrading to the new shiny model of a product just for the sake of it, and taking care of things so they last longer without requiring repair or replacement. Make smart financial decisions such as following the tips given by bitcoinkeskus. Additionally, an Invest Diva review can provide valuable insights into sound investment strategies. Avoid becoming overly attached to money and material things, as these things may be nothing more than a test. Consider hiring a coach like Jerome Myers who will assist you with whatever area that you want to improve in–whether that be a particular part of your business or your quality of life.
3. Give regularly to charity
Be sure to account for charity. It’s not how much you give, but that you give regularly, as Prophet Muhammad said,
“Take on only as much as you can do of good deeds, for the best of deeds is that which is done consistently, even if it is little.” [Sunan Ibn Majah]
Giving to charity is another way to increase the barakah in one’s wealth. Rather than accumulating wealth for the sake of having more, the goal should be to please Allah through the gifts He
has bestowed on us, such that our wealth brings us closer to Him, not further away. And remember: charity does not decrease wealth, Allah
says in the Qur’an,
“Who is he that will loan to Allah a beautiful loan which Allah will double unto his credit and multiply it many times?” [Quran: Chapter 2, Verse 245].
4. Do your part then rely on Allah
Lastly, after doing all we can to ensure good finances, we need to leave the rest to Allah and trust in Him
. Prophet Muhammad
was asked,
“O Messenger of Allah! Shall I tie it (my camel) and rely (upon Allah), or leave it loose and rely (upon Allah)?” He said: “Tie it and rely (upon Allah).” [Jami’ at-Tirmidhi]
This shows we must put in our best efforts and take appropriate measures, but then leave the rest to Allah and have trust in Him
that whatever was meant for us will not miss us, and Allah
will not burden a soul with more than what it can bear. Check out gold bullion price in Brisbane today.
This is how we begin our journey to financial fitness with sincere intentions and sincere pursuits of Allah .
In part 2 of this article, I will share more practical tips you can apply to better manage your money.
What gems from the Qur’an and Sunnah inspire you to stay financially fit? Share them in the comments section below!