Alhamdulillah, we’ve been sharing many tips and resources on how you can be a truly productive Muslim in all spheres of your life. Now it’s your turn to help our readers!
Every month, we host a ProductiveMuslim’s reader discussion thread where you can share ideas and tips to help each other become more productive.
Thank you for the many interesting ideas and tips on our last discussion on the Productivity Bucket List.
The theme for this month’s discussion is powerful duas that boost productivity.
Nothing enhances our productivity like Divine Help, and what better way is there to get Allah’s help than just ask for it?
Allah has placed no limit on how much we can ask of Him; He
actually teaches us the best ways to ask of Him
through the beautifully worded duas in the Qur’an and the authentic narrations of the Prophet
. The Prophet
used to seek Allah’s
help and blessings at all times and in all situations: he
would recite specific duas in the mornings, evenings, before and after eating, in hardships and ease and even while putting on a new garment. His
entire day was filled with different duas!
What are your favorite duas from the Qur’an and Sunnah that have never failed to transform your mood, situation or activities? Have you had a life-changing experience through a particular dua that you made?
Leave a comment below and share the duas that you absolutely love to make. Remember, every time a person recites, benefits and gets rewarded for a dua they’ve learnt from you, you will be rewarded too, in sha Allah!