Applying to university is one of the most important milestones in a young Muslim’s life. The majority of the hard work is done in the 10+ years leading up to college applications and while that can’t be changed at this point, our approach to this final step surely can. No doubt, the application process can
Read article[Productive Breaks – Part 2] How to Have a Productive Break at School
In the first part of this series, we spoke about different ways in which employees can have a productive lunch break at work. However, many of our loyal readers may not yet be in employment, but still working their way through high school, college or other educational institutes. Although many of our productive tips in
Read article14 Tips to Survive Challenging College Environments
Moving out of your parents’ house and going to university somewhere far away where you can have a fresh start is the most idealized dream of every senior in high school. It was mine, at least.
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