Bad breath continues to be a problem for many. Not only can it bother people around them, it can also bother those who have it. It is never easy to admit exactly how much it can trouble those who possess poor odour in this regard. And in this very regard, denial seldom helps.
Read article5 Steps To Develop The Habit Of Miswak
When was the last time you used a miswak? Was it a couple of weeks ago? Months, or even a couple of years ago? It’s strange that few Muslims use a miswak these days, especially since it is an established sunnah and moreover there are so many products marketed as being derived from “miswak”. I’ve seen
Read articleCleanliness and Productivity – Part 2: Spiritual Hygiene
For this third and final part of the Productivity & Cleanliness series, I had a last minute change of topic.
Initially, I was going to talk about being organized and having a clean workspace area and how that affects and improves productivity, however, I realised that such a topic needs a series of its own and there’s much we can discuss about workspace organisation in future posts inshaAllah.
Instead, I wanted to draw your attention to a far more important topic related to Cleanliness and Productivity from an Islamic perspective and that is: Spiritual Hygiene.
Read articleCleanliness and Productivity: Part 1 – Wudhu
How does been squeaky clean keep us Productive?!
That’s a question that came across my mind when I noticed a heightened productivity right after making wudhu, having a shower, or generally being tidy/clean.
In this series, we’ll explore the physical cause-effect relationship and spiritual cause-effect relationship between cleanliness and productivity, let’s start of with wudhu today inshaAllah:
Allah says in the Quran “Truly, Allah loves those who turn to Him constantly and He loves those who keep themselves pure and clean.” (Al Baqarah 2:222) He also says: “In it (mosque) are men who love to clean and to purify themselves. And Allah loves those who make themselves clean and pure.” (9:108)
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