One Tuesday, a couple of weeks ago, I was so busy at work: finishing off documents, printing, copying, filing, racing against the clock to get as much work done in the minutes and hours I had. Only on my way home, as the sun went down and the sky darkened, did I realize that I
Read article[App Review] Ramadan Legacy
The Ramadan Legacy app is the world’s first fully-featured Ramadan app that provides a daily step-by-step guide and action plan for Ramadan, a live stream of Ramadan experiences around the world and the ability to journal your daily experience and motivate your friends through sending positive notifications. The app aims to enhance your experience of
Read articleRamadan Daily Dua Plan: When, How and What to Ask For
A year has passed since last Ramadan. It was a year filled with happiness, excitement, sorrow, grief, anxiety – an array of emotions created by the diverse set of events that happen in our lives. We warmly welcome each Ramadan as it is a time to escape from the preoccupation of dunya to focus on
Read articleThe Ramadan Early Bird Series!
Ramadan is quickly approaching. Instead of waiting for the last minute to prepare, begin today for a fruitful month of blessings and barakah from Allah [SWT]. To fully benefit from a great opportunity, you need to prepare for it – and the more thorough the preparation, the better. As Muslims, we have an annual event
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