One Tuesday, a couple of weeks ago, I was so busy at work: finishing off documents, printing, copying, filing, racing against the clock to get as much work done in the minutes and hours I had. Only on my way home, as the sun went down and the sky darkened, did I realize that I
Read article9 Tips to Getting Those Good Deeds Done
You close your eyes and think of the “good” deeds you did in the way of Allah . You gave sadaqah, you gave a ride to someone to the masjid, shared a hadith and saw someone implementing it, helped out someone read the Qur’an today, visited a sick neighbor or called a relative and earned
Read articleFive Ways to Control Your Tongue
Fasting during Ramadan does not only consist of refraining from food and drink, rather we must also protect ourselves from using bad language, backbiting, lying, and anger. Unfortunately, for many of us, refraining from food also means an increase in anger and irritability, causing us to say some things we probably do not mean to.
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