I remember sitting in my office thinking about my coworker who had just gotten fired. He was someone with seniority, good education and impressive experience in his field. He was also a father and a husband… Sadly, one day this great person was headed home to tell his family that he lost his job… because
Read articleHow to Deal with Emotional Challenges and Hardships
Sometimes we face stubborn challenges that hold us back from our dreams. They keep us ‘stuck’ and slow down our journey to fulfilling our potential, being more productive, and living life with purpose and passion. These challenges can come in the form of some sort of loss: whether a loss of health, wealth, loved ones, or
Read article[Ramadan Series] Master Your Emotions for Greater Productivity: Part 3
We’ve all been hurt by another person at some time or another. We were treated badly, trust was broken, hearts were hurt. We relive the pain over and over, and have a hard time letting go. This causes problems. It not only causes us to be unhappy, but can strain or ruin other relationships, distract
Read article[Ramadan Series] Master Your Emotions for Greater Productivity: Part 2
ANT: Automatic Negative Thoughts These are negative thoughts that come to our mind during our daily life, which we experience regularly. The level of these thoughts defines our emotional state and balance. Let’s quickly discuss the 9 categories of ANT: 1) Overgeneralization: Thinking that one negative life experience is part of a never-ending cycle of
Read article[Ramadan Series] Master Your Emotions for Greater Productivity: Part 1
We have a lot of emotions, both positive and negative. Negative ones include jealousy, hatred, anger, self-defeat, etc. Positive ones include passion, love, compassion, mercy, contentment, patience, etc. Learning to manage your emotions is a key productivity technique in order to ensure that you make the best of the positive emotions and overcome the negative
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