The minute we leave full time or even part time education, there is a wave of pressure on us to figure out what we want to do next. There is, even more, pressure for those who have decided to change career paths. While they’re full of passion and enthusiasm, a lot of people just don’t know
Read article[Productive Professionals] Qualities of a Productive Manager
The Prophet Muhammad was reported to have said: “Each of you is a shepherd and each of you is responsible for his flock …” [Abu Dawud]
Read article[Productive Professionals] 9 Tips to Minimize Workplace Arguments
Arguments are common at any place, be it a masjid, shop, canteen, college, street corner or the house. One such spot is your workplace – either the office where you are employed or a place where you do your business. This article analyzes the common triggers of workplace arguments and what we can do as individual team
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