Purification of the Heart: Signs, Symptoms and Cures of the Spiritual Diseases of the Heart (Paperback)
Book Name: Purification of the Heart: Signs, Symptoms and Cures of the Spiritual Diseases of the Heart
Translation and Commentary (of Imam Al Maulud’s Matharat Al Qutub) by: Hamza Yusuf
Reviewed by Sr. Parveen Sharif
Hamza Yusuf’s translation and commentary of Imam Al Maulud’s Matharat Al Qutub literally purification of the hearts is a treasure every person Muslim or non-Muslim should acquire to gain insight into the spiritual aspect of the heart and its position in our daily life. The Quran has categorically stated that “on the day of judgement no one is safe save the one who returns to god with a pure heart.” It was the prevalence of the diseased hearts that inspired the author to write such a thought provoking poem and a lot of credit or acknowledgement should be attributed to Hamza Yusuf for his excellent translation and commentary on the poem.
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Instead, I wanted to draw your attention to a far more important topic related to Cleanliness and Productivity from an Islamic perspective and that is: Spiritual Hygiene.
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