This is the second part of the 4-part special interview series, “Preparing for a Productive Ramadan”. Listen to the other interviews: Part 1, Part 3, and Part 4.
In this interview, Abu Productive talks to Sr. Lotifa Begum, Head of Productive Muslimah, on how to overcome the challenges sisters face during Ramadan.
Masha Allah, we know Islam holds women in high-esteem and they play a such an important role in our Islamic society and in all of our lives.
As Abu Huraira once reported that a person said:
“Allah’s Messenger, who amongst the people is most deserving of my good treatment? He said: Your mother, again your mother, again your mother, then your father, then your nearest relatives according to the order (of nearness).” [Muslim]
It’s amazing just how much women can accomplish for their family, loved ones, and themselves. Which is why the challenges that women face is something a man could never understand!
That’s exactly why I’m calling upon the expertise and compassion of Sr. Lotifa Begum, who will be sharing some valuable tips on how sisters can balance the multiple roles they play during Ramadan, overcome their specific challenges, and maximise the barakah for a fulfilling and productive Ramadan, In sha Allah.
A Productive Muslimah is a Muslimah who strives for the highest station in Jannah by making the best of all the resources around her. It is this philosophy that drives Sr. Lotifa’s passion to help sisters excel in their pursuit of productivity for the sake of Allah SWT. She completed the NicheHero Leadership Programme with Shaykh Muhammad Al-Shareef and undertook the Oxford Young Muslim Leadership Programme with the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies.
Sr. Lotifa is currently a Productivity Instructor & the Head of Productive Muslimah at Through these enriching experiences of leading Muslim community projects, she has gained huge insights into a wide range of productivity-related issues that sisters commonly face, and has delivered workshops for sisters on issues relating to time management, personal development and productivity.
In this 15-minute interview, Sr. Lotifa and I talk about:
- How you can maximise your time when you hit that spiritual low on non-praying / non-fasting days (minute 2:15)
- How mothers can find balance between spending time with the family and their ibadah (minute 2:45)
- The art of avoiding burnout when you are juggling multiple roles in your life (minute 3:50)
- Practical strategies to get out of the “social ritual trap” of a calendar packed with iftar events, plus a tip on how to host productive iftar parties (minute 6:15)
- A fun and special way to help your children understand the beauty behind Ramadan and take part in the barakah of Ramadan (minute 9:50)
Can’t see the audio player in your email? Click here to listen to the interview.
Get even more practical Productive Ramadan tips by joining Productive Muslim Academy here.
If you sign up today, you’ll also get a limited-time special gift from us and Sr. Lotifa, “A Muslimah’s Guide to Productivity in Ramadan”, to further help you overcome your Ramadan challenges, In sha Allah! (Gift available only until May 31st, 2014)
You can keep up with Sr. Lotifa’s practical productivity for sisters by following Productive Muslimah on Facebook and Productive Muslimah on Twitter.
Look out for my next interview of this series with special guest, Br. Thurein Win, who will be sharing some powerful insights on getting into the right mindset for a productive Ramadan.
Listen to the other interviews in this 4-part series: Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4
P.S: Benefited from this article? Join our Productive Ramadan Online Course – a simple, practical and complete blueprint for leading a Productive Ramadan inshaAllah!