It was 3 a.m. in a dark, hot room … there were at least 16 men in the same tight space, sleeping next to each other, packed like sardines in a tin … snoring heavily and making it impossible for me to sleep with all the snoring and body odor in the air … I
Read articleYour Plan for Dhul Hijja: A Guide to Invest the Best 10 Days of The Year
We know you want to do your best in the exceptional days of Dhul Hijja, so we’ve compiled this post to help you out! AlhamduliAllah, once again, it’s Hajj season, and the first 10 days of Dhul Hijja, regarded as the most blessed days of the year, are upon us. We’re grateful we’ve been granted
Read article[Hajj Season Inspiration- Part 2] 7 Ways to Stone Shaytan Out of Your Life
When Ibrahim was going to sacrifice his son, Shaytan came to him in the form of a man to try and distract him and encourage him to disobey Allah , so Ibrahim pelted stones at him. In part 1 we looked at different sacrifices that we could make to become closer to Allah , but
Read article[Hajj Season Inspiration – Part 1] 4 Ways You Can Sacrifice for More Spiritual Productivity
Hajj is a very special time for us; the amount of reward available is immense, and it is truly an opportunity to seek forgiveness and become closer to Allah . But what practical ways are there of doing this? The best way to find out is to look at the life of Prophet Ibrahim .
Read article[Missing Makkah – Part 2] A Personal Plan for Dhul Hijjah
In Part 1 of this series, we spoke about how former Hujjaj feel during this time of the year and what they do to bring those special memories back into their lives. In Part 2, we look at some of the many actions Muslims can do to bring the feeling of Hajj into their homes,
Read articleHow to Be Productive in the First Ten Days of Dhul-Hijjah
With the start of Dhul-Hijjah, Muslims from all over the world have embarked on a journey of a lifetime. However, if you are among those who will instead be watching them on TV and wishing you were with them, you must be asking yourself: What do I do during these days? Let us remind ourselves of some specific and
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