15 AYAAT. 15 PRODUCTIVITY POINTERS. “…And whoever fears Allah – He will make for him a way out. And will provide for him from where he does not expect” [65:2-3]. Productive Naseehah: How to Advise Yourself! Can you remember the last time someone gave you really, really good advice? Did you take it? Giving
Read articleForgiving Others, Enhancing Personal Productivity
Imagine the feeling of looking at the man who murdered your uncle, who cut out his organs and gave it to someone to eat- and forgiving him. Imagine being abused and taunted, and when given the chance to retaliate, instead you forgive. This was the Messenger of Allah Ta’ala (sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam), a
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You wake up in the morning, no idea what to do for that day, open your e-mails, check your facebook account, sleep some more, go to work/uni/school, do something to act busy, wait for the time to clock out, go home, watch TV, speak to some people on the phone, then sleep. The example above
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