Children are a bountiful blessing from Allah , but they are also a test for us! The Messenger of Allah says: “Everyone of you is a guardian and is responsible for his charges. The ruler who has authority over people, is a guardian and is responsible for them, a man is a guardian of his
Read articleDeepening The Love of Allah [swt] in Young Hearts
Children have some of the most inquisitive minds. They find the mundane awe-inspiring, they constantly ask questions and they are full of excitement. It is at this tender age that you can start instilling a love of Allah and a love of Islam. I don’t mean by forcing them to join your salah or making
Read article[Raising a Firm Believer – Part 1]: Confidence, Responsibility and Optimism
Is my child going to be a good Muslim? Will she put the hijab on when she grows up? Can I trust him with a cell phone at the age of ten? Am I doing my job as a parent? Should I go back home? What if… How will I… What’s the best way to…?
Read article8 Ways to Raise Happy and Innovative Children
I am concerned that in the age of eHow, wiki, evidence-based, best practice and performance management, some readers may interpret this article as a blueprint to raise productive children. It is not. Children are dynamic and unique individuals. As such this article is about me sharing my experience. Although I cherish my children’s academic achievements
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