We all know that the beautiful month of Ramadan is essentially about generosity, nobility, developing oneself and being more compassionate towards others. In addition to internalizing those meanings, we need to act upon them as well. Accordingly, we at ProductiveMuslim developed a to-do list that you can use this Ramadan. The purpose is to help
Read article[Doodle of the Month] 5 Top Tips for Productive Muslimah Outings
Outings are a fun way to get out of the bustle of life, relax and connect with fellow Muslimahs – meeting our girlfriends, eating good food, swapping stories and the latest updates of our personal lives. Although these outings can be fun, they can also be a source of sins. Here are some tips on how
Read article[Doodle of the Month] Quality Questions to Ask Yourself to be Productive
An effective way to change the level of our thinking is by asking quality questions that are designed to get us thinking differently that we normally do and to get us out of the boundary conditions of our thinking. This doodle is based on the article Quality Questions to Ask Yourself to be Productive
Read article[Doodle of the Month] Top 10 Tips to Become a Productive Muslimah!
We’re very excited to reveal to you the first of our Productive Muslimah Doodle! In this doodle you’ll discover the top 10 tips from a Productive Muslimah on how to be more productive and make the best of your role as a woman for the Ummah. Tell us what you think about the doodle and
Read article[Doodle of the Month] How to Crush Bad Habits!
Based on the Productive Muslim video, “Bad Habits – A Productivity Killer“
Read article[Doodle of the Month] Cleanliness and Productivity
This doodle is based on the following articles: Cleanliness and Productivity: Part 1 – Wudhu Cleanliness and Productivity – Part 2: Spiritual Hygiene
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