I’d met the eldest daughter at law school: a hafidhah who was fluent in English, Arabic and Malay, a bright student who’d studied 3 different syllabuses and was a remarkably disciplined girl for her age. When she told me all her other 7 siblings were or are becoming huffaadh and were being educated and brought
Read article[Parenting Lessons from Surah Luqman – Part 3]: Being Grateful and Caring towards Parents
In previous parts of this series on parenting lessons from surah Luqman, we talked about the essential prerequisites of parenting (Part 1), and the importance of instilling tawheed and iman in our children, so they can avoid committing shirk (Part 2). This part focuses on the next piece of advice in surah Luqman : taking
Read article[Parenting Lessons from Surah Luqman – Part 1]: Prerequisites of Being a Wonderful Parent
We all want to raise our children to grow up into adults whose center is Allah , to love and fear Him, find peace in salah, look for their answers in the Qur’an, try to live their life according to the Sunnah of the Messenger , be patient during trying times and not lie or
Read article6 Productive Tips to Tame Your Child’s Foul Mouth
What!? You shift around to glance at your 6-year-old. You give him a heavy stare and then ask again, “What did you say?” He repeats the word again with the casualness of a morning greeting. Your 6-year-old just blurted a word of profanity! How do you handle this delicate situation? Well, there are several things
Read articleProductive Parenting in Ramadan
Ramadan is the ideal time for extensive spiritual development and training. Allah has designated this sacred month for us to build up our level of focus and worship, as well as apply the teachings of our Prophet Mohammad . In addition to training our own souls and purifying ourselves from sins, Ramadan is the best
Read article5 Productive Ways to Improve Your Parenting Skills this Ramadan
“Amongst all those women who ride camels (i.e. Arabs), the ladies of Quraish are the best. They are merciful and kind to their off-spring . . . ” [Sahih Bukhari] How do you plan to improve yourself this Ramadan? Ramadan is a time when we seek to grow closer to Allah and attain as many good
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